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Scholarship Programme

Continued education is our priority as an educated workforce is one of our most valuable assets. At Evolution we provide staff access and support to pursue higher education through our Evolution Scholarship Programme (ESP), designed to reward and recognise our high-achieving kaimahi (staff), and support and encourage formal education and career development.

About the Scholarship

We have established an employee scholarship programme (ESP) to provide kaimahi each year across our group with up to $10,000.00 NZD of funding to pursue higher education. This scholarship is available for kaimahi across clinical and non-clinical roles. 

The ESP allows the recipient of the scholarship to expand their skills, positioning them for career advancement and serving as a valuable hedge against the uncertainties of a fast-changing work environment.

This Policy covers both the financial assistance and assistance with working arrangements, which may be provided, to assist the recipient of the scholarship balance the demands of work and further studies.


All permanent employees, clinical and non-clinical, of Evolution Healthcare with a minimum of 24 months service working a minimum of 40 hours per fortnight are eligible to apply for the ESP.

The ESP is not available to employees whose anticipated employment period is less than 12 months or are on extended leave without pay.

To be eligible for the ESP, an employee must be enrolled or plan to be enrolled in a course of study that extends significantly the employee’s professional capabilities in line with business requirements and aligns with Evolution Healthcare’s vision and strategic goals.

The Course of study must be provided through an accredited education provider. If selected as a recipient for the ESP, the employee will receive an award for up to $10,000. Payment will be on the production of receipts.

Awards are one-time only, and past recipients may not reapply. As part of the ESP, a full-time employee will also be granted 5 days study leave per annum. The quantum of leave will be proportionate for those employees who are employed on a part-time basis and for employees whose education programme is for a period of less than 12 months.

Study leave is not cumulative, meaning that any untaken study leave will not carry over year to year. Nor will study leave be paid out on the termination of an employee’s employment.

Applications for study leave must be made in accordance with the leave policy of Evolution Healthcare.

A temporary variation to hours of work will also be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Application Process

Application of the ESP open August each year. Applying for a scholarship through our ESP is available through our online form which will go live each August and is available for Evolution kaimahi only. 

Approval Process

A panel made up of the Executive Leadership Team will determine the scholarship recipients of the ESP.

Scholarship recipients are selected on the information in their written application, and the basis of overall academic record (where applicable), demonstrated leadership and participation across the group, and performance.

The successful recipient/s of the ESP are at the absolute discretion of Evolution Healthcare.

The provision of ESP is also conditional upon the employee remaining in employment with Evolution Healthcare for the duration of their study, and at least one year following completion of their study.

Notification of Award

Our successful kaimahi are awarded their scholarship as part of our Circle of Excellence Programme, and celebrated each year in November at our Evolution Awards Evening.