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At ABI Rehabilitation Services we aim to provide a holistic and nurturing approach that encompasses all aspects of well-being for the benefit of our clients and their families beneath the expanded wings of our rehabilitation services

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At a glance


Locations in Northland, across Auckland and Wellington but many of our clinicians work across the motu


Employees plus a number of sub contractors who partner with us


ABI has a wide range of specialists in neuro rehabilitation

About ABI Rehabilitation Services

ABI is the leading provider of rehabilitation in NZ with specialist intensive and residential sites in Auckland and Wellington for people with TBI. ABI also provides community rehabilitation for those with TBI and other injuries and has a specialist paediatric team skilled in working with parents, schools and children with a wide range of injuries and disabilities.

Most of our community services can occur at home or another place of your choice, for example, school, work, kindy or at the ABI offices. The ABI team will talk to you about your preference.

Our facilities are located in Auckland, Wellington, Northland and the Wairarapa Region.

Most kiritaki we support have experienced a brain injury – traumatic or acquired, mild to severe. We offer professional, individualised rehabilitation services in an approachable and friendly manner to support kiritaki and their whānau to achieve the goals that are important to them.

ABI offers rehabilitation for all ages, for those with a range of physical, neurological, cognitive, social, sensory, psychological and emotional needs. We provide a number of different services tailored to kiritaki needs, working one-on-one with the kiritaki and, if relevant, can provide coaching and education to those wrapped around the kiritaki.

Our clinicians are experienced, with an empathetic, practical and empowering approach. They are whānau centred and listen to what is important to kiritaki and whānau.

Rehabilitation activities can take place at ABI, home, the workplace, place of study, in the community or another place that is important to the whānau.

Areas the ABI Community Rehabilitation team can support you and your whānau with include:

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    We have 9 facilities and offices, located in Auckland, Wellington, Northland and the Wairarapa Region.